Use the Audience Explorer

Business Course | Get an overview to the Audience Explorer, learn about the kinds of data this feature provides, & learn best practices for exploring & creating Audiences

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About the Course

During this course, you will:
Learn how to leverage the Audience Explorer to investigate data on possible user segments
Hear insight & best practices for applying Audience Explorer data to your team's processes for content prioritization, pages to deploy tests to, & more
Learn how to create & save a new User Attributes Audience directly from the Explorer page in Experience OS
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who is new to Dynamic Yield & are ready to learn how to explore & evaluate user segment data for possible Audiences, and to create Audiences for those segments using the Audience Explorer.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this course, you should know the basics for creating a targeted Experience and have a basic understanding of Audiences. If you are unsure, we suggest that you complete the following prerequisite courses:

Curriculum15 min

  • 1. Intro to the Audience Explorer
  • 2. Intro to User Segment Data
  • 3. Overview: Analyze & Compare Segment Data
  • 4. DEMO: Using the Audience Explorer
  • 5. EXERCISE: Explore User Segments
  • 6. VALIDATE: Your User Segment
  • 7. Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback

About the Course

During this course, you will:
Learn how to leverage the Audience Explorer to investigate data on possible user segments
Hear insight & best practices for applying Audience Explorer data to your team's processes for content prioritization, pages to deploy tests to, & more
Learn how to create & save a new User Attributes Audience directly from the Explorer page in Experience OS
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who is new to Dynamic Yield & are ready to learn how to explore & evaluate user segment data for possible Audiences, and to create Audiences for those segments using the Audience Explorer.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this course, you should know the basics for creating a targeted Experience and have a basic understanding of Audiences. If you are unsure, we suggest that you complete the following prerequisite courses:

Curriculum15 min

  • 1. Intro to the Audience Explorer
  • 2. Intro to User Segment Data
  • 3. Overview: Analyze & Compare Segment Data
  • 4. DEMO: Using the Audience Explorer
  • 5. EXERCISE: Explore User Segments
  • 6. VALIDATE: Your User Segment
  • 7. Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback