Understanding VisualML

All Users | Understand the power of leveraging VisualML in your personalization program

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About this course

During this course, you will:
Get a walk-through of the VisualML feature
Get inspiration on how to utilize VisualML to elevate your personalization program
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to use Dynamic Yield’s VisualML algorithm, which is a part of the AdaptML package.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this tutorial, you should understand the basics of creating a recommendation campaign. If you are unsure, we recommend taking the following course:

Curriculum6 min

  • What is VisualML? 3 min
  • Inspiration 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min

About this course

During this course, you will:
Get a walk-through of the VisualML feature
Get inspiration on how to utilize VisualML to elevate your personalization program
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to use Dynamic Yield’s VisualML algorithm, which is a part of the AdaptML package.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this tutorial, you should understand the basics of creating a recommendation campaign. If you are unsure, we recommend taking the following course:

Curriculum6 min

  • What is VisualML? 3 min
  • Inspiration 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min