Understanding AffinityML

All Users | Understand the power of leveraging AffinityML in your personalization program. Know the key differences between classic affinity and AffinityML.

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About this course

During this course, you will:
Get a walk-through of the AffinityML logic
Get inspiration on how to utilize AffinityML to elevate your personalization program
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to use Dynamic Yield’s AffinityML logic, which is a part of the AdaptML package.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this tutorial, you should understand the basics of recommendation strategies, allocation methods, and building web campaigns with targeted experiences. If you are unsure, we recommend taking the following courses:

Curriculum6 min

  • What is AffinityML? 3 min
  • AffinityML Use Cases 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min

About this course

During this course, you will:
Get a walk-through of the AffinityML logic
Get inspiration on how to utilize AffinityML to elevate your personalization program
Who it's for:
This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to use Dynamic Yield’s AffinityML logic, which is a part of the AdaptML package.
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this tutorial, you should understand the basics of recommendation strategies, allocation methods, and building web campaigns with targeted experiences. If you are unsure, we recommend taking the following courses:

Curriculum6 min

  • What is AffinityML? 3 min
  • AffinityML Use Cases 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min