Report Overview

Business On-Demand Video | Learn about Experience Reports, the Recommendation Reports, & get an overview of the different DY reporting capabilities

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About the Course

Who it's for:
This On-Demand video is intended for Business Users who are new to the Dynamic Yield platform & prefer to learn by watching video recordings. This On-Demand course will give users an overview of the key Reporting features & capabilities within the DY Admin.
Prerequisites for the course:
Prior to beginning this course, you should understand the basics of how to create a DY Campaign, create targeted Experiences, configure an A/B Test, & how to create Recommendation campaigns. If you are unsure, we suggest that you watch the following On-Demand videos:
During this course, you will:
Hear about the key reports in the DY Admin and learn how to navigate to them
Learn about Experience Reports and the features & capabilities that you can leverage when evaluating the report results
Get an overview of the Recommendations Report as well as the Recommendation Strategies Report.

Curriculum17 min

  • Report Overview
  • Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback

About the Course

Who it's for:
This On-Demand video is intended for Business Users who are new to the Dynamic Yield platform & prefer to learn by watching video recordings. This On-Demand course will give users an overview of the key Reporting features & capabilities within the DY Admin.
Prerequisites for the course:
Prior to beginning this course, you should understand the basics of how to create a DY Campaign, create targeted Experiences, configure an A/B Test, & how to create Recommendation campaigns. If you are unsure, we suggest that you watch the following On-Demand videos:
During this course, you will:
Hear about the key reports in the DY Admin and learn how to navigate to them
Learn about Experience Reports and the features & capabilities that you can leverage when evaluating the report results
Get an overview of the Recommendations Report as well as the Recommendation Strategies Report.

Curriculum17 min

  • Report Overview
  • Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback