Names, Notes, & Labels

Recording | Learn about the importance of organization within Experience OS and how to implement a consistent, team-wide approach to naming conventions and leveraging labels

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About the Mini Session

During this course, you will:
Understand why it's so easy to become disorganized within the system & about the benefits of aligning with your team on conventions for names, notes, & labels
Learn best practices for getting started with a team-wide structure to naming conventions, as well as tips for specific components, such as Campaigns, Templates, Custom Events, etc.
Hear insights & input from Erika Whitestone, one of our talented Sr. Customer Success Managers
Who it's for:
This mini session recording is intended for anyone who is interested in understanding how to use strategic naming conventions in Experience OS to ensure content in the system stays organized and actionable.
Prerequisites for the course
There are no prerequisites for this course.

Curriculum19 min

  • Names, Notes, & Labels
  • Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback Survey

About the Mini Session

During this course, you will:
Understand why it's so easy to become disorganized within the system & about the benefits of aligning with your team on conventions for names, notes, & labels
Learn best practices for getting started with a team-wide structure to naming conventions, as well as tips for specific components, such as Campaigns, Templates, Custom Events, etc.
Hear insights & input from Erika Whitestone, one of our talented Sr. Customer Success Managers
Who it's for:
This mini session recording is intended for anyone who is interested in understanding how to use strategic naming conventions in Experience OS to ensure content in the system stays organized and actionable.
Prerequisites for the course
There are no prerequisites for this course.

Curriculum19 min

  • Names, Notes, & Labels
  • Wrap Up
  • Course Feedback Survey