Retrieving User Affinity Data

All Users | Learn how to retrieve user affinity data using Profile Anywhere

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About this course

Who it's for:
This course is intended for any user that is interested in leveraging user affinity data across online and offline customer touch points. Note that while members of marketing and customer service teams will leverage the data to be retrieved via Profile Anywhere, configuring the API call might require some development. 
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this course, you should familiarize yourself with the concept of Affinity-based Personalization
During this course, you will:
Discover how you can retrieve user affinity data from DY to offer enhanced personalized experiences to your customers across all your online and offline touch points

Curriculum8 min

  • Overview of Profile Anywhere 2 min
  • Retrieving User Affinity Data with Profile Anywhere 3 min
  • Using the API Call Response 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min

About this course

Who it's for:
This course is intended for any user that is interested in leveraging user affinity data across online and offline customer touch points. Note that while members of marketing and customer service teams will leverage the data to be retrieved via Profile Anywhere, configuring the API call might require some development. 
Prerequisites for the course
Prior to beginning this course, you should familiarize yourself with the concept of Affinity-based Personalization
During this course, you will:
Discover how you can retrieve user affinity data from DY to offer enhanced personalized experiences to your customers across all your online and offline touch points

Curriculum8 min

  • Overview of Profile Anywhere 2 min
  • Retrieving User Affinity Data with Profile Anywhere 3 min
  • Using the API Call Response 2 min
  • Course Feedback 1 min